Friday, May 3, 2013

The beginning of a new beginning...

April 29, 2013 is the day, I feel, God gave me a much needed push! Two months shy of my 12 year anniversary and a year long "should I stay or should I go" struggle later,  my boss and very dear friend presented me with the opportunity to work on a contract basis. The first wave of emotion was "Oh crap", the second was "Thank You Jesus" and the third was "Oh crap, I have to talk to Todd!". Thankfully, I am blessed to have some very amazing friends and one in particular that reassured me that this was a GOOD thing and more importantly that it was a GOD thing. Later that night Todd and I talked and I was again blessed with his support and laid back "no worries" reaction!
I didn't sleep at all that night. My OCD tendencies won and landed me on the couch tossing and turning. I had at least 5 mental to-do lists going, each categorized and color coded! The first was preparing the outline for the terms of my contract employment. Then if I was going to be a SAHM I needed to learn how to make shopping lists and meal plans. I needed to start planning summer activities for the kids and cancel summer care. I needed to decide how I was going to tell my co-workers, much better known as my second family. Oh, and a budget! Sweet pickles, I was going to need to make a budget because crafty brain being home with time could be a recipe for disaster - well, that at the simple fact that I'd be home with 3 kids.
My new "position" doesn't start for a few more weeks so I've got plenty of time to perfect my to-lists and plan to make more plans!
The best part, though, is that when God opened this door I knew it was him and I  have not had a single moment of doubt.  I have been praying for a year for guidance. While I was doing my best, I certainly wasn't giving 100% to all of my obligations. At one time proving myself and being the best in my career was my number one but I've learned that, for me, that train of thought needed to be moved to the "earthly treasures" list. Hence, the struggle began. How could I continue to do my job full-time and do the other things I felt needed to be my focus - the kiddo's, my wonderful hubby, my family, being involved in school, being involved in church, be kind and patient and slowing down enough to see the situations God placed in my life for ME to handle and not push off to someone else?
And that's where it began...

Now, please allow me to introduce my greatest blessing of all!  My handsome husband, Todd. My beautiful and big hearted step-daughter, M. The vivacious and loving, G. And, the baby (and comedian) of the family, C.    This picture was taken on Easter this year at one of my favorite places in the world, Aunt Kim & Uncle Russell's!

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